“I AM BECAUSE YOU ARE”, is an Ubuntu slogan that reiterates that our existence and cohabitation is highly premised on how we relate with each other, how we stand with one another in every situation as we navigate life, and if we come through in solidarity to help each other in the society. It is a spirit that should be upheld so as to make everyone part of society. Extending largesse to the people takes many forms. It could be through charity work, fundraising for the less fortunate who want to meet a particular goal, communal work, and other social activities. All these benevolent works are put under one umbrella to mean ‘giving back to society”. It is like an appreciation to society for the role played to ensure where we are today. You cannot say you did it alone or you struggled alone to achieve what you have or where you are today, by your own efforts. There are unseen forces that society does to us directly or indirectly to ensure our wellbeing in our various communities. They align impediments to make it easy for us to sail through and become successful in various ways in our lives. When you reflect on the card the community plays to ensure your success, it brings a conviction of giving back and saying thank you.

Maseno University students from various organizations within the institutions saw it wise to show the art of benevolence to the immediate community by visiting Furaha Children’s Home located in Yala Siaya County. The brainchild of the Initiative was students in the School of Strategic and Development Studies located in Yala Odera Kango Maseno University Campus. They worked with other like-minded organizations like the Wanjiku Organization, Place xxiii, The Okoa Boy Child Initiative, the Conservatives, and LASCO to boost the kitty for the charity to ensure the day with the children therein becomes a success. The idea is to make the children happy and have a feeling of societal acceptance. The children are also to be assured of success in life even if they depend on such organizations to live, and Maseno University students are encouraged and reassured of a life after completion of studies, courtesy of LASCO through its supportive education program. A chicken rearing project was initiated by the Wanjiku organization. The project aimed at teaching them alternative economic activities they can engage in, in order to make life a success. During the event, games were played with the kids, dance moves were shown, and through all the activities, talents were discovered amongst the children in the home.

The organizations also conduct community drives by organizing communal events. Through these, they raise money and gather in-kind donations such as diapers for new moms, and other kinds of donations from the community and the students. Voluntary donations are also done during these periods as a viable way of giving back to the community. During times of disasters students through various organizations have stood with the community around in helping the affected to start over with no struggles. The fulfilling feeling of giving back to the community by the students through the various organizations is unparalleled.

Giving back is also a great way to get to know the community and the people around. The student body has learned that giving back gives them the opportunity to meet lots of new people. Working alongside individuals who also care about improving their surroundings allows us to broaden our network of friends. Additionally, it will help us understand better the circumstances of other members of the community after the four-year coursework in the institution. We do voluntarism and philanthropic activities of helping the surrounding members of the community who are non-students since it opens our minds to understand the different walks of life and also become effective and empathetic citizens.

(Elisha Singira) 

Maseno University media student

Diana Rose: leader Wanjiku organization
Categories: Our stories